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Level up your donor database with segmentation

Custom filters

Create custom badges or tags to filter your searches and find the information you need.
DonorDock empowers you to segment your donors effectively with custom badges or tags. Create personalized filters to streamline your searches and access the information you need effortlessly.
Custom filters and badges are shown at the top of each donor's profile.
DonorDock's contact list segmentation interface: custom badges and marketing lists

Powerful segmentation with custom tags and badges

Managing a diverse donor base without effective segmentation leads to missed opportunities and inefficiencies. Organize your donor base more effectively and tailor your outreach efforts to meet specific donor needs.

Create custom badges or tags to segment your donors according to specific criteria. Whether it's donor interests, giving levels, or engagement history, custom badges and tags help you organize your donor base effectively.

Targeted Communication

By using custom filters, you can send targeted communications that resonate with each donor segment.

Whether you're addressing major donors, first-time givers, or volunteers, customized tags and badges ensure that your messages are relevant and impactful, leading to higher engagement and stronger donor relationships.

Targeted email communication to segmented donors based on custom badges
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from 154+ reviews

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